

Saturday, July 2, 2011

We Lie

Dreams and Reality are totally different things.
I guess it was my fault for wanting things to go my way; for being used to the way things were and thinking, hoping that it would never change.
It's not that chances were not given, it's just that they were not appreciated.
I thank you for that now that i'm emo+sober, but i blame you for being so stupid as to not take that chance i gave you.
Every time i give you an opening, you smashed it. Either with your hopeless insensitivity, or mindless knack to ruin the mood with one word.
The "T" word.
Which got me thinking, this may be what you want; this kind of relationship we're drowning in.
All that bull about Forever and Waiting. Just Bull.
I guess i'm alright with it. Now that i've established that you want it to be this way too.
"Want" does not run the show, "Reality" does.
And reality deems that this is all it's ever going to be,
2 incompatible souls trying hard to cheat the other half and themselves in the process that they are trying to mold into 1.
The Impossible can never turn into the possible,
the Improbable was given a chance but was flung back into my face.
The line was drawn.
We are closer than we should be, but we are further apart than you would like to believe.
I will not settle for this.
You made it pretty clear that i shouldn't settle for this too.

Hence we continue treading in murky waters;
senselessly holding hands all the while knowing we shouldn't;
doing things we have no business doing together;
and trying to lie to the other half that we are there for each other.

And so we tread in murky waters together;
holding hands while knowing fully well that we would let go in the blink of an eye
if our own fortunes were at stake;
not really caring whether the other half falls into a pit;
while reassuring the other half that we're here,
but planning our great escape all the way.

And on we stride;
with our heads up our asses;
lying our hearts out;
burning common boundaries down;
all the while maintaining our sanity
but losing our humanity.

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