

Tuesday, July 3, 2012



This morning started out eventful enough.

My bathroom is in the same area as the kitchen and there is one door leading to it.
Usually, the last one to leave the house locks it. That's usually me.
We also tend to check the bathroom to see if anyone is inside before we lock it.
Today my housemate seems to be in too much of a hurry, so she locked me in and left immediately for Uni. By the time I realized what had happened, it was already too late and I was stuck there in my towel in an empty house.
Luckily my arms are not as short as I thought they were and I managed to reach the key on the other side with my fingertips and unlock myself.
Although I almost got a dozen cuts on my arm in the process. Almost.

Then I went to work.
The day went fine enough. I had plenty of work to keep me occupied and was too tired and uncomfortable to take much stock of what the lamb was or was not doing.
However, come 12.30pm, things got interesting again.

As I went down to the car park to re-park my car (which I have to do every 4 hours), I realized that my car wouldn't start.
I was like "God damn it"
After calling my dad, he said that the battery must have died.
But my senior said that it might be my starter or any multitude of problems.
I was in favor of the starter being faulty as a battery would cost me RM210++ and although my dad said he would reimburse me, I was still skeptical of when and if I would actually live to see the money. As in would I starve first. Lol...
So, my senior called his mechanic friend for me and set an appointment for after lunch.
While taking in this less than desiring situation, the whole time I was thinking about being able to play Diablo 3 with my grizzly bear after work.
The plan was a quick dinner, bath, and then play together.
I would be his Demon Hunter and he would be the front liner.
However, fate decreed that it was not to be~
The mechanic was late and I had to stay at work until 7.30pm before he finally got here, tinkered with my car, and conclusion was that he wasn't sure what was wrong with it and I'd have to let him take the car tomorrow with the hopes that he could fix in one day.

Afterward, there was trouble with grizzly's game and so we couldn't play together...

So, that's my day.

Hoping everyone else had a better day. Cheers!

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