

Sunday, July 4, 2010


It's a rainy day today...has been so cold since this morning...i wonder why the clouds won't lift....it's making my mood sink as well....
Someone commented that i've dark circles under my eyes yesterday...i haven't been sleeping well these few days...if it's not insomnia then it's because i wanted to cherish a hard earned break and enjoy a movie.
I contemplated the cost of freedom yesterday. Don't really hv a conclusion yet, but the price of freedom sure is high. When you receive freedom, you'll also receive loneliness. But is it any different from everyday life?
Like it or not, we all live in a cage. A cage of self doubt, mistrust, uncertainty, hostility, and feigned politeness and smiles. Everyday, we pass our lives in this cage, forced to be civil, forced to function when all you want to do is to curl up in someone's arms and hide...If you're lucky, you'll find people who understand you, understand why sometimes you smile and sometimes you don't, someone who understands why sometimes you look so lonely and the hidden hurt behind your eyes...someone who will understand that all you want, is to be wanted.
On this cold day, i have nothing more to say...

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