

Saturday, May 21, 2011

I Desire the "DESIRE"

Have you ever wanted something really badly but couldn't have it?
But you still want it like hell
but you know you can't have it
BUT you still yearn for it soooooooooooooooooo much???????
NO, i'm not talking bout a guy...=.=
I want a smart phone so badly...
and not just any smart phone >>
I want the HTC Desire HD.
It retails at RM2K+
Basically, it's just really cool and has a lot of great specs.
Yeah, it's heavy and awkward,
but i just want it.
But i can't have it.
Cuz i can't afford it nor can my family.
Actually, why spend so much on a phone when you can get (>>) at the same price??
>> a new lappie with good specs
>> a new desktop with good specs
>> pay 7 months of rent
>> countless pairs of shoes and clothes
>> a motorcycle
>> downpayment for a car
But still, against all common sense,
I want it
SO i'm gonna go bash my head against a wall somewhere now and force myself to forget about it.

but Damn i want it.....

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