

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Who gets me?

I've been pondering this question for a while now,
Who really gets me?
Given, i've got a weird sense of humor.
Wonky to saw the least and not many people get it.
By not many, i mean most people stare at me and give me a "What the heck are you talking about?" look.
I'm in my best/worst element when i'm speaking English though,
and unfortunately, i am seldom in the company of those who fully speak my language and hence, vry few people get my unique humor.
Today someone asked me "If that person doesn't get your humor, why take it to the next level?"
I concur.
Sin did say that he didn't get me.
And i did admit that i accepted for the wrong reasons.
BUT, until now, that person really doesn't get me.
Back to my original problem,
I need to meet some bananas whom i can click with....
I miss Foundation..........
I miss blabbering and blubbering and only having to begin the sentence for ppl to realise what i'm talking about.
I'm so tired of having to explain...explain...explain every little thing i say.....

And you know what?
I'm also tired of waiting for the phone to ring.
So it's going to be on silent for the rest of the night.
And NO, i do not care if you think i'm being childish
DO NOT ask why i can't make ur phone ring first.
This is the way i am.
DEAL WITH IT or dig a hole and bury yourself in it.

Think i'm being aggressive?
That proves how little you know me.

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