

Friday, April 8, 2011


Recently, i did a research on Dream Interpretation for an assignment.
Personally, i believe in Dream Interpretation almost to a T.
That's why, when i had a dream last night about one of my good friends being an ass, i realized, yeah, he is an ass.
But the problem is, i kinda had feelings for this ass at some point.
In my dream, he was spreading rumors about me,
and told me to my face that he wants to make me hate him.
In short, he WAS acting like an ass.
However, in Dream Interpretation, dreaming about your friend means aspects of your personality that that person displays.
He was trying to make me fall out of love with him (i've no idea why i was in love with him in my dream 0.0 ),
therefore, it may mean that I'M the one who is trying to make someone fall out of love with me.
which i guess, pre-consciously, i am.
However, through this dream, i also realised that this friend of mine, reli, RELI IS an ASS~~
therefore, i've decided to quit having feelings of any kind for him.
In a way, i guess i feel cheated.
In a way, i guess i expected something.
In a way, i guess i believed what he said.
In a way, i guess...i felt betrayed. I FEEL betrayed.
But, i lay no claim to him. He wasn't mine in the first place.
I get tired of it sometimes, trying to find someone who's mine.
When i hate being owned by people who DO NOT own me.
It's appalling how many people in this world think they own someone because they claim to love you.
Excuse me, 'fraid to brust your bubble, but he/she 's not yours if she doesn't reciprocate those feelings.
I used to belong to someone, but now i belong to me.
So, please, for the love of GOD...stop thinking i belong to anyone of you. =.=
It's annoying. 0.0
So, back to the issue at hand, the ass.
I guess, he's just as much of an ass as i am, because i'm in the same situation.
But i'm not the one who made any promises.
So...yeah. Gonna stand by my word.
All i wanna say to him is,

P.S. No, I'm not talking about you. How can i be so sure? Because the person I'm talking about, never reads my blog. N no, I'm not talking about you either. At least you read my blog once in a 100 years.


(now i feel like washing my mouth...the memory of the taste of green tea makes me wanna puke...=.= )

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